Alquran4life akses pengguna:

Teacher Policy - Kelas Mengaji Tajwid Alquran dan Iqra Online Malaysia Singapore

Teacher Policy

The teaching staff of Alquran4life academy must always adhere to the guidelines set by the academy.
The teaching staff of Alquran4life academy must adhere to the given schedule, especially in starting and ending the class
The Academy will pay the salary according to the rate mutually agreed between the teaching staff and the Alquran4life academy
Salary payments are paid at the end of each month through online banking
Alquran4life academy instructors must always use the id provided by the academy to log in to skype. Any use of private id is not allowed and must get permission from the Alquran4life academy.
Alquran4life academy instructors are not allowed to make personal orders to students via watsapp, sms, and so on. All admin matters, fees, schedules, etc. related to the academy must go through the Alquran4life academy admin (Mr. Shah Rahim 013-7440121)
Alquran4life academy teaching staff is not allowed at all
A) Accept offers from students
B) Make an offer to students
C) Take students who are still studying/quitting at the alquran4life academy for the purpose of teaching outside the academy class while the teaching staff is still in service with the Alquran4life academy.
(Please refer to Mr. Shah Rahim for any questions)
Instructors who intend to stop from continuing the service must give 1 month (30 days) notice from the date of the last day of work. To prevent student learning is not disrupted. Instructors must provide to the Academy the following:
A) Summary of `each student’s’ learning that has been taught by the instructor (please contact Mr. Shah Rahim to get a student template)
B) Latest timesheet for salary payment. The final salary payment will be made at the end of the month.
C) Instructors are not allowed to communicate with academy students who are still studying after completing their service from Alquran4life Academy
Any violation of the conditions and rules set, the Academy reserves the right to take appropriate action at the discretion of the academy Alquran4life.
Alquran4life Academy reserves the right to amend the above policy according to the current situation.

(Updated Date: 16 July 2020)